Monday, July 30, 2007

Blog blunder: apologies to all

Recently, I've sent invites to a bunch of my friends using the feature provided on, not realising that it's actually a feature that gives out authoring rights on this Blog, which is why you get asked to register prior to posting. Just ignore that.

Messages can be posted on my blog without needing to register or make an account.

Sorry for the inconveniences caused! I'm still very new to this blog thing. Next coffee's on me! :p

One of the best trailers of 2007

Hey guys, I don't know if you already saw this one from my site, but it's something you shouldn't miss. It's a trailer for a new yet-to-be-titled movie by the people behind hit TV series Lost. Click on the poster to watch it.

The need to be heard

Yo Freaksters,

Having managed to get myself registered, I would like to state for the record that I enjoy watching action movies.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

It's the end of the world! The BMF now has his own blog!

Hello freaksters! Thanks for visiting my blog! Say whatever the heck you want. I'll try to come up with some topics soon, most likely stuff that'll contribute nothing back to society. Bring forth the end of humanity!