The upcoming chapter of the infamous bestselling video game Grand Theft Auto (GTA) adds the Russian Mafia into its canon of gangsters, after featuring the Italian, Hispanic and African-American ones in past installments. But before the game is even released or plans to adapt the game into a movie is even talked about, director David Cronenberg has shot and is about to release the Russian mob-themed movie Eastern Promises. Judging from his previous works including The Fly and A History of Violence, this could well be the most definitive (and probably the most violent and/or sexiest) Russian gangster movie to date, which will overshadow whatever film adaptation GTA producer Rockstar is planning in the future. Or these game making companies could just learn their lessons once and for all and stop throwing money at Uwe Boll, but instead hire a proper director like Cronenberg to bring justice to their game's future film adaptations.