Monday, September 10, 2007

Grindhouse Marathon at GV!

I never thought this would happen, but they finally did it! They finally put the two Grindhouse movies back-to-back like it should have been, AND I CAN'T GO FOR IT! Of all the days in the year, they MUST set it on the day that I will be moving stuff to my new home! To my knowledge, it's only showing once in this format, so go catch it if you can. And if they're also including the fake trailers during the intermission, I'm gonna give up on life and throw myself at a pack of rabid zombies.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Ratatouille... good? Oui! Oui!

I've seen Ratatouille, and it is GOOD. It's not action-packed like The Incredibles, but it's closer to The Iron Giant, and melts hearts like that one. I kneel before The Lord Almighty, Brad Bird. Funny how the last two summer blockbuster movies shown are also the very best.

Highly recommended. Review coming soon!

The Simpsons + Star Wars Parody!


Bioshock (Xbox360) Review!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Robotech: The Live-action Movie!

I'm beginning to suspect that I have a sixth sense. In my review of Transformers, I predicted that the movie studios would start adapting other robot-related anime such as Robotech, and lo and behold it has come true! Ok, maybe I was stating the obvious, since Robotech is really one of the most highly regarded classic anime around. What's even nicer is Tobey Maguire's involvement in this adaptation, which will guarantee some class in the acting department. Anyway, it's time we see some more fricking robots kicking the crap out of each other... in space! I'm pretty bored already with them superheroes and pirates and medieval crap. Check out the original article here to find out which other robot anime* also got greenlighted!
*Highlight for answer >> It's Voltron!