Empireonline.com reports The Matrix directors' upcoming movie project, to be directed by V for Vendetta director James McTeigue and stars Korean heartthrob Jung Ji-Hoon a.k.a. "My Name is Rain." Also, he likes black. Black looks good. Article here.
whoa, RAIN working with Matrix brothers? hopefully the story is better this time :P
You can also see Rain in the Wachowski's upcoming movie, Speed Racer. They wrote the screenplay for V for Vendetta, which sort of redeems for Matrix 2 and 3 a little. It does show that they're back on track. I'm crossing my fingers for Speed Racer.
whoa, RAIN working with Matrix brothers? hopefully the story is better this time :P
You can also see Rain in the Wachowski's upcoming movie, Speed Racer. They wrote the screenplay for V for Vendetta, which sort of redeems for Matrix 2 and 3 a little. It does show that they're back on track. I'm crossing my fingers for Speed Racer.
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